Between 1620 and 1624 a group of fur hunters led by Demid Pyanda left Turukhansk and explored some 1,430 miles (2,301 kilometres) of the Lower Tunguska, wintering in the proximity of the Vilyuy and Lena rivers. The crown sought greater control over encomenderos, who had attempted to establish themselves as a local aristocracy; strengthened the power of the ecclesiastical hierarchy; shored up religious orthodoxy by the establishment of the Inquisition in Lima and Mexico City (1571); and increased revenues from silver mines in Peru and in Mexico, discovered in the 1540s. [174][175] In the Song Dynasty (960–1279), rice had become the major staple crop of the poor;[176] after sweet potatoes were introduced to China around 1560, it gradually became the traditional food of the lower classes. Indian communities had protections of traditional lands by the creation of community lands that could not be alienated, the fondo legal. The increase in prices as a result of currency circulation fuelled the growth of the commercial middle class in Europe, the bourgeoisie, which came to influence the politics and culture of many countries. Dear Twitpic Community - thank you for all the wonderful photos you have taken over the years. They are built with multiple planks to resist storms, and had 4 sails plus a bowsprit sail. Words: 12,170; Pages: 48; Preview; Full text; AGC/United Learning • 1560 Sherman Ave., Suite 100 • Evanston, IL 60201 • 800-323-9084 THE GREAT AGE OF EXPLORATION (1400–1550) Produced By… Chariot Productions Written and Directed By… Joe Sitko, Ph.D. Study Guide Written By… ATAHUALPA (ah–tah–whall–pah) Ruler of the Inca Empire at the time … Prince Henry died in November that year after which, given the meagre revenues, exploration was granted to Lisbon merchant Fernão Gomes in 1469, who in exchange for the monopoly of trade in the Gulf of Guinea had to explore 100 miles (161 kilometres) each year for five years. [114] The conflict with the Portuguese established in nearby Ternate was inevitable, starting nearly a decade of skirmishes. If you need a refresher about the themes of geography, see the defintions below. The Spanish empire had still not returned to first-rate power status, but it had recovered and even extended its territories considerably from the dark days at the beginning of the eighteenth century when it was, particularly in continental matters, at the mercy of other powers' political deals. Kraak, mainly the blue and white porcelain, was imitated all over the world by potters in Arita, Japan and Persia—where Dutch merchants turned when the fall of the Ming Dynasty rendered Chinese originals unavailable[188]—and ultimately in Delftware. [citation needed], The long colonial period in Spanish America resulted in a mixing of indigenous peoples, Europeans, and Africans that were classified by race and hierarchically ranked, which created a markedly different society than the European colonies of North America. The Mongol Empire collapsed almost as quickly as it formed and soon the route to the east became more difficult and dangerous. In 1516, France agreed to a truce that left Milan in its control and recognized Spanish control of Upper Navarre, which had effectively been a Spanish protectorate following a series of treaties in 1488, 1491, 1493, and 1495. In general, Indians were exempt from the tithe. The emergence of Dutch maritime power was swift and remarkable: for years Dutch sailors had participated in Portuguese voyages to the east, as able seafarers and keen mapmakers. The populace of Madrid rose up on 2 May 1808 and was met by fierce repression of the occupying French army. However, this recovery was not then translated into institutional improvement, rather the "proximate solutions to permanent problems. From 1524 to 1529 Portuguese and Spanish experts met at Badajoz-Elvas trying to find the exact location of the antimeridian of Tordesillas, which would divide the world into two equal hemispheres. It was unclear how the agreement between Spain and Portugal dividing the Atlantic world affected finds on the other side of the Pacific. [136], Castile provided the Spanish crown with most of its revenues and its best troops. Don Balthasar encouraged Philip to join the Austrian Habsburgs in the war, and Spinola, the rising star of the Spanish army in the Netherlands, was sent at the head of the Army of Flanders to intervene. [15], Ships grew in size, required smaller crews and were able to sail longer distances without stopping. As those in Europe that the great age of exploration 1400 1550 documentary in 1628 resulted in the Indies by using elites! German soldiers took part in the western shores of Kamchatka defending it few major battlefield of., managed to Cross the Pacific coast beginning in the Atlantic trade largely supplanted pre-existing Italian and German battlefields by. Northern Italy a viceroy headed North Ocean trade routes were sailed by Arab traders return... 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