The International Finance Corporation (IFC) has reiterated the importance of injecting liquidity to prevent capital in small businesses from drying-up. 13. Once the pandemic has been reduced, one of the conditions for businesses to re-open will be to conduct regular employee screenings before an employee enters a business workplace. I was anxious, but never ashamed, that this crisis forced me into unemployment and needed to find other ways to make a living. This could suggest business ideas for post-pandemic commercial activities. In 2018, MSMEs generated over 5.7 million jobs. There will be days when you feel like you can’t keep up in this fast-changing world and that is okay. Now, I use the same tricks to produce content for beauty! To provide working capital for SMEs, Austria, Croatia, and the Czech Republic have introduced specific COVID-19 loan funds. ? Drive-in movie theater is a business that allows people to watch movies from their car, which is a great way to make people come out of the house. My role there was mainly focused on digital marketing, as well as picking and packing orders. Governments have taken different approaches to contain the spread of the virus, some acting more promptly and taking more drastic measures than others. This could come in the form of grants, affordable loans, or temporary tax exemptions. “My beauty business has allowed me to express more of my artistic side that I don’t really get to maximize in-flight. Since I work for the public sector and decided early only to donate my salary to those in need.” - Janelle, How different is running Emilia’s Home from your regular jobs? Then when the ECQ happened, I decided to just do it and shift! This was always something I wanted to do again. As an employee, your KPI’s, targets, etc. Lots of riders also took advantage of the low supply and high demand of delivery that they would charge a lot higher, so it was extra difficult to find riders who would take it for the price based on the delivery apps since that’s what we charge our customers. Whether or not you need the money, if you want to add a side hustle, go for it. This was a challenge because I’m neither sweet nor bubbly IRL. Those stories were what pushed me to find a solution for myself and others.”, “After a long time of researching and developing the product, I just told myself to go for it since it felt right and I also felt ready. Lots of riders also took advantage of the low supply and high demand of delivery that they would charge a lot higher, so it was extra difficult to find riders who would take it for the price based on the delivery apps since that’s what we charge our customers. While there are many COVID-inspired business ideas sprouting in the business world today, there are many ways "traditional" businesses can be adapted during COVID-19. Online Business in Philippines. Under the HK$20 billion SME Financing Guarantee Scheme (SFGS), small businesses in Hong Kong are granted faster access to loans that are fully guaranteed by the Hong Kong government. I literally got asked, ‘, cookies?’ My parents would’ve been more than willing to split the veterinary expenses with me, but I didn’t want to ask. The companies that emerge stronger from the Covid-19 pandemic will be business builders. At the time, it was for extra funds for my dogs’ veterinary care (surgeries, cancer, general maintenance), and a productive break from the rigors of being a makeup artist.”, “It’s a lot more quiet than being a makeup artist. In my regular job, I had to be face to face with my clients and other people, constantly in conversation. Without adequate access to finance, it may be challenging for SMEs to pay or keep their workers and maintain operations. I thought giving my suppliers the go signal for production pre-lockdown was enough for everything to run smoothly. Growing up, I’ve had a difficult time with my period as well. […] “I say go for it! It’s been a good investment because now I can take in more orders! A percentage of the profit we earn from it will be given to those most affected by the pandemic, like Tatay Alberto and his fellow jeepney drivers who have little to no way of earning money. We needed to make sure that we put our message out there but also, be sensitive of so many issues that needed just as much attention.”, “I definitely gained a new perspective about myself and of course, life. Here are 11 pandemic-friendly business ideas to consider. While there are many COVID-inspired business ideas sprouting in the business world today, there are many ways "traditional" businesses can be adapted during COVID-19. Working at a fashion brand, then eventually going to fashion school pushed me to start a fashion-related business that I’ve believed in for such a long time, which was period underwear. From freelancing, food & beverage, consulting, retail, rental, personal and business services, up to home-based business opportunities - we've got you covered! The effect couldn’t even be more glaring and damaging in the Philippines, where micro, small, and medium enterprises or … Nothing beats doing what you love, and earning from it!”, Business: CelebrityGreetings.PH, a celebrity video shoutout booking website for local celebs, Why she started her business: “We’ve always wanted to try this business out for years already, but we didn't have the guts and the time to start it. List of 20 Top Business Ideas in the Pandemic Period 1. “I have no business experience or background. 20 Small Business Ideas in the Philippines for 2020 Manny January 15, 2020 263 Comments Making a living in the Philippines can be hard if you are only looking in one direction, and that is, employment. I also definitely miss the free aircon during shoots and gigs! Cleaning businesses = The cleaning business is experiencing a surge during this coronavirus pandemic. Hopefully, we'll find our balance soon!” - Nicole. According to World Economic Forum, digital penetration has been in Philippines. PHOTO: (LEFT) Courtesy of Nicole Tejano and Janelle Inojales; (RIGHT) Courtesy of Nicole Ceballos, “Even before the pandemic, I’ve been selling cookies on the side to a small network of customers and two establishments. Also, invest your time and money wisely so you can reap something great in the future.”, Lash Party, a brand of premium hand-crafted faux eyelashes, “The aviation industry was one of the first major industries that was hit by the global pandemic. I had to really believe in myself and my reasons for doing it in the first place. My wedding industry job is at an all time low and all my hobbies require going out so this project motivates me everyday to get up, work hard and stop feeling down despite the difficult situation we're in. For example, some countries unveiled their response package as early as March, while it took other countries up to April to come up with a response. And of course, you’re working with a much smaller budget! Now, I use the same tricks to produce content for beauty! I almost quit Emilia because it was taking a toll on my mental health but Nicole swooped in and saved the day. One of my main responsibilities there is the fair, so it’s mostly managing the event and marketing. I never would’ve known it was worthy to be put on display in a coffee shop, and little did I know it would save me from unemployment and its mental and emotional repercussions during this pandemic. Studies show that there are 67 million internet users in Philippines and for social media, the numbers are same. CNN and the CNN logo are registered marks of Cable News Network, Inc., displayed with permission. “It’s a lot more quiet than being a makeup artist. So find the right partner to be with you on this. 20 Small Business Ideas in the Philippines for 2020 Manny January 15, 2020 263 Comments Making a living in the Philippines can be hard if you are only looking in one direction, and that is, employment. And we really went into overdrive on redecorating when the pandemic hit so it's not really surprising that our quarantine baby is Emilia.” - Nicole, “Emilia really did help us to cope with feelings of anxiety and disenfranchisement. While we were lucky the industry we went into is considered essential and able to operate, the logistics of every move we made was an absolute NIGHTMARE. In the Philippines, the enhanced community quarantine, done as a response to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought economic activity to a standstill. “Huwag mahiyang rumaket. On average, this business can net you between ₱1,000 to ₱2,000 per month if you can sell a total of ₱10,000 to ₱20,000 worth of load. Keep it for a rainy day, buy stocks while prices are low, buy your parents gifts, donate it to frontliners—huwag mong ikahiya, pinaghirapan mo yan! “All I can say is, just do it. Also, invest your time and money wisely so you can reap something great in the future.”, Business: Lash Party, a brand of premium hand-crafted faux eyelashes, Why she started her business: “The aviation industry was one of the first major industries that was hit by the global pandemic. In the Philippines, the enhanced community quarantine, done as a response to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought economic activity to a standstill. We all have different ways of coping, while some people are into cooking, exercising, and binge-watching Netflix, we are into decorating our rooms! Many countries have focused on initiatives to sustain short-term liquidity, and several governments have responded by making credit more accessible and by providing tax relief. So I'm really glad about that one. Now let’s go into the details of the best business opportunities in the Philippines. I love the relationship that I am building with my consumers and I think helping them explore their self-expression through makeup and my products has made my career shift meaningful.”, “Believe in yourself and honor your own pace. This is my first time doing anything business-wise!” - Janelle, ? Every entrepreneur faces challenges, doubts, managing risks, and making big decisions during this period. “It's not a common concept here in the PH and we could only present and send proposals online so I think a lot of people thought it was a scam at first, haha! So I'm really glad about that one. MANILA - Some 30 percent of businesses in the Philippines have closed since the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the Department of Trade and Industry said Thursday. Opportunities: Remember that e-load retailers are the ‘front liners’ of the e-loading business, above them are the sub-dealers, dealers, distributors, and the telecom company. “I’ve been in working in corporate since I graduated, so starting a business is a totally different ball game. Starting a new business or a side hustle can be really time-consuming and stressful, but if it's something you like doing already then it won't feel like work. In 2020 when we live and work in strange times of global pandemic opening a new business may seem even scarier. Sari-sari store business is probably the most common small business in the Philippines. It sure made my life slow down a bit and appreciate so many things that life has to offer aside from flying while still getting to interact with customers.”. The first step to success is to believe in your capabilities. I realized how blessed I am to still be employed and to have the capacity to start my passion project. I believe that with these points, you have now understood the potentials of setting up a business in the Philippines. “With my new cosmetic business, I love how I can use it as a platform to make people feel more confident and free to express themselves. Health and Wellness Products Since the corona virus has a higher chance of infecting immunocompromised persons, many have become more conscious of their health. How to Find the Best Small Business Ideas in the Philippines with High Profit: 3 Steps. While the primary concern is public health, a socio-economic crisis also looms on the horizon. I would also wear extra cycling shorts or refrain from any light bottoms. However, when you’re running a business, you have to set those things all on your own and create a systematic way of working so that the business functions properly and grows at the same time. If you’re spiritual, pray about it... A LOT. But I continued to work on my vision. I’ve partnered so far with Tugon Ateneo, an organization from Ateneo that helps survivors of child sexual abuse and abandonment. South Korea has also granted value-added tax (VAT) breaks for small businesses earning 60 million KRW or less a year. The little things like giving tips on how to apply false eyelashes or recommending which type of falsies enhances my client’s beauty make me tick and hopeful for my brand. Rest when you need to but don’t give up. What’s the best thing about opening your new business? Working at a fashion brand, then eventually going to fashion school pushed me to start a fashion-related business that I’ve believed in for such a long time, which was period underwear. If I didn’t do that side hustle then, I wouldn’t have known my cookies were good enough to be sold to strangers that didn’t buy for charity, but because they really liked it. That's why she and I make such a great team.” - Janelle, “For me, it's our partnership with #TaraTulongTayo of @tara.baraha! There were many days during ECQ that we had to allot five to six hours just for booking delivery riders, and if there weren’t any, we personally delivered them, racing against time to be home by curfew. In this program provided by the Federal Council, loans of up to CHF 500,000 are fully secured by the Confederation with zero interest. Singapore has also taken several measures to save jobs and support workers in small businesses. So it's a really different world and we both don't have any experience in home furnishings. ‘What would make BARE stand out?’ Another one was navigating through this pandemic. Whether or not you need the money, if you want to add a side hustle, go for it. Why she started her business: “Even before the pandemic, I’ve been selling cookies on the side to a small network of customers and two establishments. The kitchen gets seriously hot when the oven is on for hours even with four electric fans.”. Grab and Angkas also have promos for merchants so check those out. You have an idea? We don't really know when the wedding industry will be back, so we managed to launch the website in June.”, “We know mall shows, meet and greets, and live events are all paused now, so we thought it would be a good time to launch an avenue where personalities and their supporters can create more personal connections online.”, How different is this business from your old job? Also I get to spend more time with my loved ones since I'm just at home.”, “The best time to start is NOW. We had to learn using social media for business, properly communicating with customers that were 100 percent strangers, creating content, and at the same doing all the baking from scratch, sourcing ingredients from new suppliers because our regulars were also shorthanded with the crisis, scheduling and booking deliveries at the height of quarantine. If SMEs, which are typically unable to obtain loans from formal credit markets, are denied access to finance during an economic downturn, this may result in job losses on a massive scale. But when I got the hang of it, it's actually really nice.”, I can work at my own pace. It was an internal challenge of figuring out what I wanted then eventually how to make it happen.”, “Definitely positive feedback from other women. Here are top 5 business ideas for 2020. Here's a list of small business types that are seeing strong demand during the coronavirus pandemic. It's still a work in progress for us. Haha!”, What were some of the challenges you had to face when you opened your business? It's a website, so mostly it's digital-focused in terms of marketing and components.”, What were some of the challenges you had to face when you opened your business? Before, I would hustle just to find ways to treat myself while not compromising my obligations. With the Covid-19 Pandemic in full swing, Filipinos found creative ways with their business ideas. Before, I would hustle just to find ways to treat myself while not compromising my obligations. You’ll honestly never be 100 percent ready. Sourcing ingredients was so difficult! Best decision ever.”, It was a 9-5 marketing stint, wherein I had to travel 2-3 hours to get to the office! In the Philippines, SMEs face a plethora of challenges, such as credit constraints, especially during periods of economic downturn. The lockdown, however, gave me the chance to push through with my long overdue passion project: My cosmetic lash line. It’s been a good investment because now I can take in more orders! Have you ever heard about the phrase, omission bias? For someone whose work life has been all about flying in and out of countries and always being on the move, the shift to becoming an active online seller from home lets me focus more on researching trends, planning my content, and executing my ideas. It actually makes me more productive whenever I take breaks. “Learning how to handle a business all on my own and using the money I’ve made from it to help other people. Starting a new business or a side hustle can be really time-consuming and stressful, but if it's something you like doing already then it won't feel like work. The panic and anxiety of being caught in checkpoints even with a quarantine pass and delivering essential goods forced us to rework our entire schedule. As we all know, washing hands frequently is the top preventive measure advised by the doctors. As an entrepreneur, if you understand and adapt to your challenges, you could start a thriving business during this pandemic. It was so tiring. It also made me realize the importance of giving back, which is what we will do for our next collection. “Definitely positive feedback from other women. So if you’re considering investing in a wine and liquor franchise business, it may be a good idea to offer online deliveries to adapt to a post-pandemic society. “The discernment process on whether I’d do it or not was a big challenge at the start. At the time, it was for extra funds for my dogs’ veterinary care (surgeries, cancer, general maintenance), and a productive break from the rigors of being a makeup artist.” Rest when you need to but don’t give up. This article will give you some ideas for business opportunities in the Philippines. Online Education: Most people go to physical classes, but during times of a pandemic, they switch to remote education and as a result, companies that offer online education whether for an online course, online Msc, online Webinar, or even private online tutoring session thrive during times of pandemics. Another challenge that we are constantly facing is being always available to our customers. Adapt to survive indeed. I was forced to make the decision to take an indefinite leave and this has honestly put me over the edge a bit. With the Covid-19 Pandemic in full swing, Filipinos found creative ways with their business ideas. Ve partnered so far with Tugon Ateneo, an organization from Ateneo that survivors! With their business ideas for Pinoys with small Capital 1 pace also gave my body time to my! Still panic-buying yourself and honor your own store in front of your.. Fall in sales due to the COVID-19 crisis passion project, Rappler 2018. 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