It aims to…, MA Fashion Design (Womenswear) will produce designers who are able to inspire and develop products with a high level of integrity and…, BA (Hons) Fashion Design and Marketing at Northumbria offers you the opportunity to creatively explore fashion design, products and…, Take control of your design direction, follow your passion and gain the skills and knowledge needed to launch a successful career in…, Do you have a passion for film and media? What is the best way for coaches to develop a great team dynamic? Forensic science is quickly realising the potential held by these novelties for enhancing the role of chemical traces and new applications have begun to appear in specialised literature. Drawing on a qualitative study conducted with two British police forces, this seminar will explore the role played … Members of the Hub include qualified social workers, health and allied healthcare professionals, teachers, barristers and solicitors. Are you looking for a degree that combines the study of history and politics with 21st-century employability? 3 years full-time or 4 years full-time with a placement (sandwich)/study abroad / Sep start, Do you want to focus your scientific career on one of the fastest moving sectors of science? User Account. Intersecting Victim Identities and Hierarchies of Vulnerability and Victimisation. Within visual criminology important research agendas have developed on prisons and community punishments, the fear of crime and punitiveness, and media representations of crime and deviance. Some of this work has been published in a, with the Royal United Services Institute on data analytics in policing and algorithmic bias which was commissioned by the UK government’s,, For more information please contact Professor, The Social Sciences Dissertation Work Experience module provides a rare opportunity for our most talented students to undertake a research based dissertation with an external organisation. Professionals in this fast-paced sector require…, An increasingly globalised economy requires international commercial law professionals to have a wide range of knowledge on issues…, Space law is evolving at the frontiers of legal research, and staff at Northumbria are among the UK’s foremost authorities on the subject.…, The LLB with Foundation year is a new type of integrated foundation course. She has already published book chapters and peer-reviewed articles in several international journals written in English and Portuguese. Friday 25, 11 am - 12.30 pm: Panel discussion … The Healthcare Foundation year will provide you with a practical introduction to the key subjects within health and develop your knowledge…, Are you an experienced healthcare practitioner, or someone interested in and with a commitment to working in healthcare management?…, 18 months full-time (January start) / Jan start. You will acquire up-to-date knowledge…. Matteo is a member of both the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Chartered Society of Forensic Science and has worked extensively with practitioner partners across Europe. In addition to the general requirements to join as a Police Officer with Northumbria Police, applicants for the PCDA programme must have: Level 2 qualifications in both English and Maths for example a GCSE or iGCSE at grade C (level 4) or above, Functional Skills Level 2, Key Skills Level 2 (Communication and / or Literacy) or … Can you imagine designing your own building? After any undergraduate background, explore contemporary issues in marketing and specialise in an area of your choice. BSc (Hons) Computer Science is the established route for those interested in studying a broad-based computing degree. Opponents, however, have argued that spending cuts ought to be reversed in order to preserve frontline services. This small scale qualitative research project aims to identify whether there has been a decline in alcohol use amongst youths engaging in low level criminal and deviant behaviour and whether there has been a growth in drug usage, including new psychoactive substances (legal highs). Dimensions of vulnerability are examined by colleagues, within the, Northern Hub for Excellence and Innovation in Child and Adult Safeguarding, International & EU Fees, Funding & Scholarships, Applicant Terms and Conditions and Policies, Academic Language Skills Programmes (ALS), Europe (Erasmus +) - including staff mobility,, Academic Professional Higher Apprenticeship | Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PGCAP), Accounting, Finance and Economics Foundation Year, Advanced Clinical Practitioner Degree Apprenticeship | Advanced Clinical Practice MSc, Applied Computing Top-up BSc (Hons) (London Campus), Applied Sport and Exercise Science BSc (Hons), Architecture and Built Environment Foundation Year, BA (H) INTERNATIONAL BANKING AND FINANCE COMPLETION AWARD (LONDON) BA, Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Mass Communication (Top-up) (KAPLAN), Business and Finance (top up award) BA (Hons), Business and Human Resource Management BA (Hons), Business and International Management (top up award) BA (Hons), Business and Management BA (Hons) - Distance Learning, Business Enterprise, Creation and Management BA (Hons) (London Campus), Business Top-up BA (Hons) (London Campus), Business with Business Analytics MSc (Amsterdam), Business with Business Analytics MSc (London), Business with Business Analytics with Advanced Practice MSc (London), Business with Financial Management MSc (Amsterdam), Business with Hospitality and Tourism Management MSc (London), Business with Hospitality and Tourism Management with Advanced Practice MSc (London), Business with International Management MSc (Amsterdam), Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship | Business Leadership and Management Practice BA (Hons), Chartered Surveyor Degree Apprenticeship | Building Surveying BSc (Hons), Chartered Surveyor Degree Apprenticeship | Quantity Surveying BSc (Hons), Chartered Surveyor Degree Apprenticeship | Real Estate BSc (Hons), Childhood and Early Years Studies BA (Hons), Civil Engineer Degree Apprenticeship | Civil Engineering BEng (Hons), Computer and Digital Forensics BSc (Hons), Computer Networks and Cyber Security BSc (Hons), Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence BSc (Hons), Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence MSc, Computer Science with Games Development BSc (Hons), Computer Science with Web Development BSc (Hons), Computing and Information Technology Foundation Year, Construction Engineering Management BSc (Hons), Construction Management With Building Information Modelling MSc (Dual Award With EI CESI), Criminology and Forensic Science BSc (Hons), Cyber Security Technical Professional Degree Apprenticeship | Cyber Security Technical Professional BSc (Hons), Data Protection Law and Information Governance Postgraduate Certificate, Digital Marketer Integrated Degree Apprenticeship | Digital Marketing BSc (Hons), Digital Tech | Digital and Technology Solutions Specialist MSc, Digital User Experience (UX) Professional Degree Apprenticeship | Digital User Experience BSc (Hons), Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) Part-time, Education Leadership in Learning (Teach First) MA, Electrical and Electronic Engineering BEng (Hons), Electrical and Electronic Engineering MEng (Hons), Electronic Design Engineering Top Up BEng, English Language and Literature BA (Hons), English Literature and American Studies BA (Hons), English Literature and Creative Writing BA (Hons), Environmental Monitoring, Modelling and Reconstruction MSc, Fashion Design (Sustainable and Ethical) MA, Finance and Investment Management  BSc (Hons), Geography and Environmental Sciences Foundation Year, Global Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management (with Advanced Practice) MSc - London Campus, Graduate Diploma in Law / Common Professional Examination GDL/CPE, Human Resource Management and Development MA, Information Rights Law and Practice Postgraduate Certificate, Information Science MSc - Library Management, Information Technology Management for Business BSc (Hons), Integrated Health and Social Care BSc (Hons), Interior Architecture Postgraduate Certificate, International Banking and Finance (Completion award) BA (Hons), International Business Management BA (Hons) - Completion Award, International Business Management BSc (Hons), International Business Management with French BSc (Hons), International Business Management with Spanish BSc (Hons), International Hospitality and Tourism Management (Top-Up) BA (Hons), International Project Management MSc (London), International Project Management with Advanced Practice MSc (London), International Relations and Politics BA (Hons), International Relations, Conflict and Security MA - Amsterdam, Journalism and English Literature BA (Hons), Logistics and Supply Chain Management BA (Hons), Marketing Management and Business (top up) BA (Hons), Mass Communication (Completion) BA (Hons), Mass Communication and Business BA (Hons), Mass Communication with Advertising BA (Hons), Mass Communication with Business BA (Hons), Mass Communication with Business BA (Hons) (KAPLAN), Mass Communication with Public Relations BA (Hons), Mechanical and Automotive Engineering BEng (Hons), Mechanical and Automotive Engineering MEng (Hons), Mechanical Design Engineering (top-up award), Mental Health Law and Practice Certificate, Nursing Science Registered Nurse (Adult) BSc (Hons), Nursing Science Registered Nurse (Adult) MSc, Nursing Science Registered Nurse (Child) BSc (Hons), Nursing Science Registered Nurse (Child) MSc, Nursing Science Registered Nurse (Learning Disabilities) BSc (Hons), Nursing Science Registered Nurse (Learning Disability) MSc, Nursing Science Registered Nurse (Mental Health) BSc (Hons), Nursing Science Registered Nurse (Mental Health) MSc, Occupational Therapy (Pre-Registration) MSc, Operating Department Practitioner Degree Apprenticeship | Operating Department Practice BSc (Hons), PG Cert in SEND and Inclusion (National Award for SENDCOs), Police Constable Degree Apprenticeship | Durham Constabulary, Police Constable Degree Apprenticeship | Northumbria Police, Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice, Professional Accounting (with Professional Study Preparation) MSc, Professional Accounting (with Professional Study Preparation) MSc (London), Professional Practice in Mental Health Law Postgraduate Certificate, Programme and Project Management MSc (London), Project Management (Dual Award With EI CESI) MSc, Project Management Degree Apprenticeship | Project Management BSc (Hons), Registered Nurse Degree Apprenticeship | Nursing Science/ Registered Nurse (Adult) BSc (Hons), Registered Nurse Degree Apprenticeship | Nursing Science/ Registered Nurse (Child) BSc (Hons), Senior Leader Degree Apprenticeship | MBA, Senior Leader Degree Apprenticeship | MBA - in partnership with QA, Senior Leader Degree Apprenticeship | Strategic Leadership in Public Services MSc, Senior Leader Degree Apprenticeship | Strategic Leadership MSc, Senior Leader Degree Apprenticeship | Strategic Leadership MSc - in partnership with QA, Solicitor Apprenticeship Degree | LLB Hons, Special and Inclusive Education (National Award for Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators) PG Cert, Supply Chain Leadership Professional Degree Apprenticeship | Logistics and Supply Chain Management BSc (Hons), Teaching Pupils with Dyslexia within an Education and Training Setting Postgraduate Certificate. Photo elicitation and photo narrative techniques will be used to generate data that will address the key research questions and also provide a body of visual material that will inform focus group discussion. You will work…. On Northumbria’s hands-on digital forensics course, you will be taught to locate and analyse evidence and conduct digital forensic…, This course has been created to meet global demand for skilled individuals who understand how computers work, how networks are designed,…. It also explores the role of specialist ethics committees in providing a form of independent oversight of the use of these models. Some of the breadth and depth of our work is illustrated in relation to four key research themes. Diversity & Inclusion Lead at Northumbria Police Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland, United Kingdom 500+ connections. The Hub member’s work reflects particular expertise in child protection, child deaths and serious case reviews, adult safeguarding, mental health, mental capacity and psychological therapies. One of the reasons why this lacuna is particularly puzzling is that there is a long-standing body of work within the sociology of policing that emphasizes the significance of symbolism, that police embody state sovereignty, and that there are strong performative and communicative dimensions to police activity. Dr Nicola McLeod is a forensic linguist studying ways in which the application of language analysis can improve the delivery of justice. A Northumbria Police statement said: "We can confirm we are investigating an offensive video that was shared on social media. Policing is understood, in its broad sense, to include this broad catalogue of organisations and agencies engaged in the regulation of contemporary societies. This Masters programme addresses the knowledge, skills and behaviours…, Managing international projects presents unique challenges. She has published widely in these fields, and the wider nature of trust as a bedrock for cross national policing and criminal justice cooperation. Collaborative PhD scholarships offer cost-effective opportunities for organisations to commission bespoke research, if your organisation would benefit please visit or contact Forensic linguists have assisted investigators and legal decision makers, either in pursuit of particular operational goals or in making improvements to their day-to-day professional practice. Are you looking to develop your career in human resource management (HRM) whilst gaining professional accreditation? To ensure this, it’s vital to consider the roles of the employer and employee and the influences…, This course is for people who want to help others to carry out everyday occupations with greater ease and independence – despite their…, As an occupational therapist, you will empower people to live life to their full potential, overcoming physical and mental health difficulties,…, Would you like to work closely with surgeons, anaesthetists and other professionals to plan, deliver and evaluate the care of patients…, Our Operating Department Practitioner (ODP) Degree Apprenticeship equips students with the skills and knowledge required to provide…, With the Special education and Disability Regulations, there is now an increasing need for teacher training and continual professional…. Current on-going and recent projects are underway on a wide-range of topics, including: Racist bullying in an organisational setting: an investigation into the subtle and systematic bullying of black and minority ethnic (BME) women within the British police service. Moral panic and newspaper reporting in Britain: victims, persecutors and folk devils. Staff at Northumbria University have completed two projects charting stakeholder engagements with leading international policing agencies: EUROPOL and CEPOL (European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training). "Getting the Grease to the Squeak”: understanding the operational and cultural context in which science, technology and evidence can enhance police practice. For more information contact Dr Nicola McLeod. Forthcoming publications cover the topics of police legitimacy, and democratic policing. Find all the transport options for your trip from Newcastle Police Station Museum to Northumbria University … For more information contact Dr Liam Ralph. View the profiles of professionals named "Harrison Booth" on LinkedIn. Study Computer Science MSc to explore the impact of technology on our everyday lives and forge a successful career in this field. The Faculty Pro Vice-Chancellor Award Northumbria University. A course aimed at SENCO's new to post since 2009, in maintained mainstream schools, nurseries, academies, free schools and pupil referral…, How do athletes overcome setbacks? With 31,500 students, Northumbria is one of the largest universities in the country, offering courses on either a full-time, part-time or distance learning basis. Would you like to apply your arts or applied sciences background to the conservation of fine art? Critical thinking, independent learning,…, Northumbria University’s Artificial Intelligence MSc course provides an exciting opportunity to those with any background, who want…, This innovative Arts MRes course offers you the opportunity to undertake a closely-supervised piece of original research within a broad…, The Autism MA offers a flexible framework of modules which will allow you to tailor your learning around your life. With membership of over 216,000 graduates in 175 countries worldwide; it doesn’t matter where you are located or what you are doing, YOU are our global alumni family. Learn the skills to make an impact on health, diagnosis and treatment of disease. EXPERT COMMENT: Digital hoarders: we’ve identified four types – which are you? The location, design and architecture of police buildings, material cultural representations of policing in children's toys, and social media imagery of policing are among the novel dimensions of police visibility considered in this research. Join to Connect. By clicking accept you consent to our cookies on this device Learn More. You will be employed as an officer from day one, making a difference to our communities, and earning whilst you’re learning. This is particularly important since the architecture of the police estate changes as new properties (often in new locations) adopt contemporary forms and as pressure on resources leads to co-location with other agencies in shared premises. It is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council and run in conjunction with Edge Hill University and the Open University. Whether you’re looking…, Interested in the workings of the human mind? We conduct ground-breaking research that is responsive to the science & technology, health & well being, economic and social and arts & cultural needs for the communities. You will benefit…, Are you interested in how to make cars better, faster, safer, cleaner and more sustainable? K&D/Public Partnerships. The world is changing faster than ever before. Find…, Our BSc (Hons) Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence course will provide you with knowledge of computer science topics and…. Current routine analytical methods for many kinds of chemical trace, however, still just allow trivial information to be obtained in an intelligence, investigative or evaluative context. It is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council and run in conjunction with Edge Hill University and the Open University. A flexible qualification equipping registered healthcare professionals to make an impact through research. Who we are and what we do. Interested in studying at Northumbria? The future is there to be won by organisations who find ways to turn todays possibilities into tomorrows competitive edge. Northumbria University’s Academic Professional Apprenticeship (APA) programme offers an evidence-based, nationally recognised and highly…, The course includes specialist modules that cover financial reporting analysis, strategic management accounting, and international…, Thinking of becoming an accountant? Ever since the first PCC election in 2012, anti-social behaviour has been a policing priority for Northumbria police and has been part of their police and crime plan. For more information contact Professor Michael Rowe. In a connected world, collaboration can be the key to success. Police forces collect and use vast amounts of digital data and are increasingly deploying forms of machine learning algorithms to derive insights, inform decision-making, prioritise resources and assess risk. For more information, see our Registering with the Police leaflet. Students spend 1 day a week on placement and undertake an agreed research project, based on a police research priority. The term is used in the names of some North East regional institutions, particularly the Northumbria Police (which covers Northumberland and Tyne and Wear), Northumbria University (based in Newcastle upon Tyne), the Northumbria Army Cadet Force, and the regionalist Northumbrian Association. To become an Accountant have called a 'visual turn ' within the Criminal Justice System paedophile behaviour ways... Attrition in Criminal cases in the second year ) / Sep start through Design offenders currently on the world changing. A level 6 programme, jointly delivered by Northumbria University Alumni Association ensures our graduates stay in with! With global… teaching and learning, barristers and solicitors lives and forge a successful career in resource... Mother and son murder 10 who would like to apply your knowledge to practical real-world. 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