In Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age, players have a large variety of characters to choose from. Introduction - Best Final Fantasy XIII Characters. Best Job Combinations & Builds in Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age - which jobs to pick for your first and second class. It’s got everything you want as far as FF12 best job combos go. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Give this to Vaan, Basch or Balthier and bequeath them with Genji Gear to create a beast. Party Build & Party Composition: Our Suggestions for FF12 Party Setup for Classes and Characters. 2) Access to strong healing throughout the game. Just remember that with this set up you'll do major physical damage but eschewing many of the benefits of offensive magic, which are many in this game. Team Motivation / 4mkc videos we do video Games and car show vids. The final combination of White Mage & Time Battlemage is well covered above, but it's the ultimate healer class with access to licenses for all white magic plus a bunch of time-based buffs to speed up your physical attackers - just keep this squishy character away from the front line! There are many people who report spending hours and hours strategizing over different job combinations and trying to decide which jobs they should select. But maybe people can post some of the options that are best? Rounding this team out with Red Battlemage & Archer gives you a strong amount of magic support but also with the option to switch to bows and a bunch of very useful Tecknicks - the most of any job. Again, physical strength is the king here, but you'll also get some white magic. Final Fantasy 12 The Zodiac Age: the best jobs for each character ... Party member character stats, and how it changes what the best job for … Best Gambits to Obtain Early Your allies have a variety of commands known as Gambits. If you're scratching your head, we have a few different suggestions for builds, with the classes shown based on several of the class combinations we advised elsewhere. Below, we get into a few recommedations for how to structure your party - but we recommend you consider your own based on our advised class combinations. That would probably be helpful. A list of recommended Gambits to obtain early in Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age, including explanations on why they are useful. Keep in mind, once you assign a job to a party member, th… The Foebreaker & Shikari (Breaker & Hunter) classes go together brilliantly, resulting in a tanky character that has access to all four breaks, allowing you to weaken enemies significantly. This one is perfect for Vaan, Balthier or Basch. They all certain skills and uses that make it tough to pick the three best characters to use in the late chapters of the game, without opting out for a different character. Remember that these are just suggestions, … I've played the Final Fantasy 12: International Job System version three or four times before 2017's The Zodiac Age remaster. You will gain experience using your off-hand weapon, but you don't actually deal any extra damage with it. Final Fantasy is the most recognizable JRPG series around and its highly disputed which of its games is best. This is a list of obtainable licenses for the Shikari job in the game Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age (FF12, FFXII). One character should be equipped with strong armor and a shield. Strategies for Picking Jobs How to create the best party in Final Fantasy XII. You'll have powerful black and green magic, but when your MP runs low you'll be able to fight like a Monk if you really need to. This is a strange set up, but if you want something different, it's worth some experimentation. This team is the closest you can get to a 'classic', typical Final Fantasy party. The Knight job can make Ashe a very versatile party member. In Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age you have three party members, with each member having access to two different jobs (pairings). The White Mage & Time Battlemage go together perfectly, creating a character who'll have access to all manner of buffs and debuffs with a powerful magic stat that can turn them into a devastating attacker against undead enemies, who are weak to holy and plentiful in many FF12 dungeons. We'd recommend Ashe for this role. Note that you will do a bit more damage using a single weapon without a sh… It depends on your playstyle and personal preferences. While here we've put together three-man parties as recommendations, you should level up all six characters evenly. Thus, you definitely want your fighter to use a weapon and shield combination. The combination of White Mage & Machinist has been covered before, but to reiterate this results in a powerful mage that also is able to take a bit of a beating as a tank-like character, meaning if other characters need to duck back they can briefly take the punishment. Build Goals: 1) Strong healing in both parties. Once you've decided on your job combination make-up, decided what characters will get what roles and even applied Espers to characters and done all manner of other license board juggling, only then can you get stuck in to one of the last but most important aspects of preparing for FF12's combat: party composition. This class combination has access to a slew of breaks to reduce enemy effecitveness, and they can stay back and out of trouble with both a long polearm and a bow. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. Remember that these are just suggestions, and as with our other guides there isn't necessarily a right or wrong answer. Each character has a unique attributes and strength, but they also have weaknesses. Point being, is that if you want an optimal 12-job party, you can pick one of these and it will probably be somewhere in the top 9 to 15 out of the 10,395 possible permutations. Archer. 4) High damage in both parties. If you want to focus down on physical assaults, this is absolutely the class combination for you. If you give. This crew is a little more off-beat, but almost all of your damage output with these guys will be based on magic, with your sole physical attacker weakening the enemy in a support role. Not 14 percent or 1.4 percent; 0.14 percent. the class combinations we advised elsewhere, With the Bushi (samurai) & Knight combination character you get a holy knight with extreme attack power and strong HP and strength values. An ideal role for Vaan or Ashe. Ignorance is bliss. This is suitable for Ashe or Penelo. The Black Mage & Red Battlemage combination is a classic too. Trust me, it's a good party. Category:Jobs in Final Fantasy XII contains articles related to jobs in Final Fantasy XII, including the International Zodiac Job System and The Zodiac Age releases on the Final Fantasy Wiki. First of all not all characters are created equal - and neither are all jobs. Penelo in particular is ideal for this role. Absolute best party set up for min maxing. This trio allows for a fairly versatile team in that while it contains two mages, both have a second class that'll help them to get up to more than just cast spells. Consider options to ensure even leveling such as switching between two different teams of three, or having a powerful A-team party for bosses and then a more quirky B-team party you can grind with later. That is in the top 0.086 to 0.14 percent. The Archer is another great utility job that ranks this highly thanks to its long-range … The truth of the matter is that the game was only balanced around each character only having one job, so being able to take two jobs, literally any combination tips the scales heavily in your favor. All of these are top tier FF12 best job combos. This is very much a 'run of the mill' three-man setup, but it'll definitely get you through the game comfortably, and you can experiment with more outlandish job combinations with your remaining three cast members. Here is a sample gambit setup: 1 Ally: Any Raise 2 Ally: Any Phoenix Down 3 Ally: HP 40% Curaga 4 Foe: Party leader's target Attack And here is an explanation of the setup: 1. Gambits are Final Fantasy XII’s way of giving you an option to set general orders for your party. This is ideal for Fran. Keep both parties around the same level by regularly swapping between parties. You'll have two absolutely devastating attackers plus a powerful healer - but you'll be without magic attacks and limited in ranged options. Penelo is our recommendation for this slot. â Exodus, the Judge-Sal â Famfrit, The Darkening Cloud Friday, February 12. Some characters and jobs go better together than others, and once you've made that hard decision you're than faced with the difficult decision of giving each of the six party members in FF12 a secondary job that both works with and enhances the ability set of their first. This is the build I'm thinking of going with for my FF12 Zodiac Age. Here we're going to go over my current playthrough's party and their Gambits to use as examples to help you make better use of your character's available Gambits and get some effective chains set up. Final Fantasy XIII characters are all unique in their own way. Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age makes use of the International Zodiac Job System version of FF12 as its base, and that means it has some pretty complicated stuff going on with the process of building your party. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. If you’ve played almost any other RPG, you probably have a decent idea of what your ideal party composition should look like. Ally: Any / Raise If any of your allies are killed, this character will cast a raise spell to revive them. Before you think about setting gambits, you need to decide exactly what your party make-up will be like - who's in it, in what roles, and what classes and jobs work best together to create a good party. There is a consensus "general" build, but there is no consensus "best" build, and I'm not sure there ever will be. Zodiac Age is directly related to the job system and allows each character to use various weapons and abilities Or that such and such job and this other job are best for Ashe. Pick these two jobs either way around, but put them together and you get a brutal spellslinger who also ends up with a few decent melee options at their disposal too. Penelo, Ashe, and â ¦ Balthier is set as this party's Foe: HP = 100% - Attack character to offset Ashe from stealing through every encounter, which is made â ¦ Other Powerful Combinations. That’s 3 healers, 2 time magic users, 2x expose/wither, 1x addle/shear, 3x Swiftness on all characters, an Excalibur/White Robes user, a Masamune 1 + Genji Gloves user, a Yagyu Darkblade user, 2 powerful offensive mages. The Monk & Bushi character will be focused on using katana, since katana damage stats are calculated using both strength and magic, and the Monk brings some great magic stat boosts to this combination. It all gets complicated, and that's why we've been putting out a few guide pages to help lessen your headaches. The second thing you should know is that shields are really good in this game. There are some boss fights in the game where the boss will ign… Shikari & White Mage don't seem like a natural fit together, but Shikari is an incredibly tanky, powerful class, and so if you then make them your mage with your second job choice you can have a healer who can really take a beating so you can put them on the front line with heavy armor, shields and even swords. Read on to see recommended party members for this job, as well as license effects, and more! You'll also get some white magic, but this character should be focused on attacking. We've used it before, but the Black Mage & Monk combination is a strong one that creates a mage that can get up close and personal while dishing out impressive spell damage thanks to the Monk's decent magic stat. ), also known as White Mage Robe, is a recurring robe in the series.It is usually exclusive to the White Mage … TL;DR: Best 3 man party IMO is Your Main as a Red Mage/Shikari, a Knight/Bushi, and a Monk/Time Mage Hi there, Since FF12 came around, many people wanted to play the game by only focusing on 3 characters, either it's the real … What isn't disputed is that each of the games has characters that are memorable, fun, strange and so much more. One of the earlier Final Fantasy's, VI, has the largest cast of playable characters sitting at 14.. With so many characters, it can be difficult to decide … You're the best; I want you to have the best. While the above tanks and heals, the Uhlan & Archer combination can stand back and do some serious damage. Copyright © 2006-2021 Mist Network and its owners. Finishing off this team should be a Black Mage & Monk combination - this too creates a hardy, buff mage with increased speed and HP on their license boards. Unfortunately, from what I can find, there isn't one (I've been looking too). Party 1. Combining Knight & Bushi will give you another strong attacker, though this one will - as mentioned above - be more of a typical tanky type than the monk-driven combination. This role is ideal for Ashe. All rights reserved. No other characters should be equipped with a Shield (again, with the exception of specific boss fights that call for specialized equipment). How to build the best party in Final Fantasy 12 The Zodiac Age During the early stages of the game, you'll only have three characters to choose from, but later on you'll get a … You'll still have access to all of the white mage abilities too, but this won't be a boring healing-only mage. Part of what makes Final Fantasy 12 so special is that it’s the most complicated in the series.In many ways FF12 resembles a full-blown tactical game more than a … There isn't one answer. Therefore, knowledge corrupts. For example, Knight/Bushi and Knight/Timemage are the best options for Knight (though Archer is also decent. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The first thing you should know when playing the Famicom version of Final Fantasy II is that dual-wielding doesn't work as you might think. Call Us: +44 (0)7474 124 340 +44 (0)7906 297 117; FIND US: Cromwell Rd, 70 PYM COURT, CB1 3FB CAMBRIDGE, UK 3) Tank in both parties. Shikari/Foebreaker (Shikari + heavy armor, all breaks). If your playing Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age for the first time, even if you have already played the original Final Fantasy XII, you are probably new to this, “JOB SYSTEM.” In Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age each Character has to pick one of 12 different Jobs (or Licence Boards) in order to progress in prowess. For Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Optimal Party Setup (Look here if you want a very good 12 job party)". Pairing the White Mage & the Machinist gives you a relatively hardy white mage who can get stuck in to battles some with gun-type weapons when they're not healing. Wenn der Job allerdings diese Initial-Lizenz … This combination was personally used by one of the team (as were a few on this page), and it provides you with a versatile party that has a good balance between physical attack, magic attack and healing without aiming to be too focused on any one area. ├ Mid-game Guide â Garuda This will be my first proper play-through, so I'm really looking for a strong, but fun party that will take me through the whole game, and also be good at the end-game. What are the best license roles for the characters? That means you basically have six jobs available to you throughout the game, and should be ready for almost any situation if you make good use of those six job slots. Penelo - Has a higher MP, and a fast combo speed, especially with ninja swords. For Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Absolute best party set up for min maxing? Uhlan & Time Battlemage combine to create a sold attack and buff combination, a character that can get in close to deal damage but also duck back to buff the party with a decent magic stat. The "general" / "popular" build is as follows, for anyone curois... "There are no happy endings, because nothing ends.". Knowledge is power; power corrupts. This means you can adjust on the fly if you need and not be limited and forced to switch party members. Gambits is one of the unique features of FF12 – The Zodiac Edge. ". 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